ইংরেজী Competency based বা যোগ্যতাভিত্তিক Text টিউটোরিয়াল-৪১

প্রাথমিক শিক্ষা সমাপনী পরীক্ষা: বিশেষ প্রস্তুতি
Competency based (যোগ্যতাভিত্তিক) text
প্রাথমিক শিক্ষা সমাপনীর প্রিয় পরীক্ষার্থী, ইংরেজি বিষয়ের , , , নম্বর প্রশ্নগুলো থাকবে তোমার পাঠ্যবইয়ের বাইরের অনুচ্ছেদ থেকে প্রশ্নগুলো হবে সম্পূর্ণ যোগ্যতাভিত্তিক বা Competency based আজ তোমাদের অনুশীলনের জন্য দেওয়া হলো একটি নমুনা অনুচ্ছেদ প্রশ্নোত্তর
Read the following text and answer the questions 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.
Rana : Hello, Zahid! How are you?
Zahid : Fine, thanks. And you?
Rana : Not very well. I’m always tired. I don’t know why.
Zahid : When do you get up from bed?
Rana : At eight o’ clock.
Zahid : That’s too late. Get up early. Do you play any games in the afternoon?
Rana : No, I don’t. I’m very weak.
Zahid : In the afternoon I play football in the field. Please join us. You’ll feel better.
Rana : You’re healthy and happy. What do you eat?
Zahid : I eat rice, dal lentil and vegetables everyday. I also drink a glass of milk.
Rana : I don’t like milk and vegetables. Do you like them?
Zahid : Yes, I do. They’re good for health. They’re full of vitamins.
Rana : When do you eat your meals?
Zahid : I eat breakfast at seven o’clock, lunch at two and supper at eight.
Rana : I’ll follow you. I also want to be healthy like you.
Zahid : Get up before sunrise. Take your meals in time. Eat dal and vegetables and drink a glass of milk everyday. Play with us. You’ll also be healthy and happy.
5. Choose the best answer form the alternatives.
a. What is the meaning of meal?
i. food ii. drink iii. lentil iv. Fast-food
b. Rana is always —.
i. exhausted ii. sleepy iii. noisy iv. sad
c. The above text is a —.
i. dialogue ii. monologue iii. verse iv. poem
d. Rana will follow —.
i. none ii. Zahid iii. his friend iv. His mother
e. “When do you eat your meals?” — What type of sentence is it?
i. assertive ii. interrogative iii. imperative iv. exclamatory
f. Rana does not play — game .
i. much ii. no ii. any iv. many
g. ‘Late’ is the opposite word of ‘—’.
i. let ii. early iii. never iv. always
h. Rana and Zahid are —.
i. classmates ii. both i and iv iii. none iv. friends
i. Milk and vegetables are rich in —.
i. minerals ii. vitamins iii. salt iv. water
j. Zahid advised — to do some things.
i. Mina ii. Luna iii. Rana iv. Runa
Answer to the question no. 5
a. i. food; b. ii. Sleepy; c. i. dialogue; d. ii. Zahid; e. ii. interrogative;
f. ii. any; g. ii. early; h. ii. both i and iv; i. ii. vitamins; j. iii. Rana.
6. Fill in the blanks with works from the box. There are three extra words which you do not need to use.
a. — plays football in the field.
b. Rana is — tired.
c. Rana does not know the — his tiredness.
d. Zahid is healthy and —.
e. Rana wants to be healthy — Zahid.
Answer to the question no. 6
a. Zahid plays football in the field.
b. Rana is always tired.
c. Rana does not know the reason of his tiredness.
d. Zahid is healthy and joyous.
e. Rana wants to be healthy like Zahid.
7. Answer the following questions.
a. When does Rana get up?
b. What does Rana want to be like?
c. What does Zahid eat?
d. Why is Rana sickly?
e. Make a list of things that Zahid advised Rana to do.
Answer to the question no. 7
a. Rana gets up at eight o’clock.
b. Rana wants to be healthy as Zahid.
c. He eats rice, dal and vegetables everyday. He also drinks a glass of milk.
d. Rana is sickly because every morning he gets up late. He never brushes his teeth properly. He does not take proper food. He puts on dirty clothes.
e. Zahid advised Rana--
i. To get up before sunrise. ii. To take his meals in time.
iii. To eat dal lentil. and vegetables. iv. To drink a glass of milk everyday.
v. To play with friends.
8. Write a short composition of 5 sentences stating why Rana is sick.
Answer to the question no. 8
Rana is sickly
Rana is sickly because every morning he gets up late. He never brushes his teeth properly. He does not take a bath everyday. He does not take proper food. He puts on dirty clothes.
9. Suppose you are Humayun Kabir/Zaheda Akter. Write a letter to your friend Anas/Maleka telling him how to remain healthy.
Answer to the question no. 9
15 October, 2015
Pubergaon, Shibpur, Narsingdi
Dear Anas,
I got your letter yesterday. I came to know that you are not well. You feel sleepy. You cannot study well. Your body is delicate. You should do the following to remain healthy.
Health is the root of all happiness. You should get up from bed early in the morning. You should play games in the afternoon. You should eat healthy foods. It is good to drink milk and eat leafy vegetables everyday. It is good to eat dal lentil. You should form healthy habit. You can say prayers. Saying prayers is also a good physical and mental exercise.
I hope, you will do accordingly to remain healthy.
Your loving friend,
শিক্ষক, বীরশ্রেষ্ঠ মুন্সী আব্দুর রউফ পাবলিক কলেজ, ঢাকা

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