ইংরেজী Competency based বা যোগ্যতাভিত্তিক Text টিউটোরিয়াল-৩৮

প্রাথমিক শিক্ষা সমাপনীর প্রিয় পরীক্ষার্থীইংরেজি বিষয়ের    নম্বর প্রশ্নগুলো থাকবেতোমার পাঠ্যবইয়ের বাইরের অনুচ্ছেদ থেকে  প্রশ্নগুলো হবে সম্পূর্ণ যোগ্যতাভিত্তিক বা Competency based  আজ তোমাদের অনুশীলনের জন্য দেওয়া হলো একটি নমুনা অনুচ্ছেদ  প্রশ্নোত্তর
Read the text carefully and answer the questions 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9.
One day Ms. Asma Haque brings a big box in her classroom. She puts the box near the table. The box is tied with a rope. All the students become curious. They want to know what Ms. Asma Haque has in the box. She could understand her students’ curiosity. She smiles and says, ‘Do you want to see what I have in the box?’ All the students shout excitedly, ‘Yes, we do.’ ‘Okay, could you help me open the box?’
Mita, Munir, Asif, Banu and Reba come forward to help their teacher. ‘You’, says Ms. Asma Haque.
‘Mita, cut the rope with the scissors, please.’
‘Thanks. You can go to your seat.’
‘Asif, open the box. Thank you, Asif.’ 
‘Banu, come here. Now tell me what is in the box?’
‘There is a fork, a round spoon, a flat spoon, a tea spoon, a bowl, a cup, a lid, a frying pan and a plate.’
‘Thank you, Banu. Go back to your seat.’
‘Munir, come here. Take out the stove and put it on the table. Go back to your seat.’
‘Reba, come here. Take out all the packets and put them on the table. Thank you, Reba. Go to your seat.’
‘Well, I think I need some more help. Hira, come to me. Bring out the spoons, the bowl and the frying pan and put them on the table.’
‘Thank you. Go to your seat.’
‘Today we will do something new in the class. We are going to make a big cake.’
The students are excited. They have forgotten about the time. Meanwhile, the bell rings. The students are sad. The class is over. Ms. Asma Haque tells the class, ‘Don’t be sad please. We will make the cake next week.’
5. Choose the right answer. 
a. What does Ms. Haque bring in her class?
i. a table ii. a packet iii. a rope iv. a box
b. What makes the students of Ms. Asma Haque curious?
i. her question ii. her instruction iii. the box iv. the rope
c. What things are there inside the box?
i. a scissors ii. a bowl and a pan 
iii. some cooking instruments iv. some funny things
d. ‘Go back to your seat.’ What type of sentence is it?
i. command ii. request iii. instruction iv. both i. and iii.
e. Find out the request sentence.
i. Open the box ii. Can you open the box? 
iii. Please, come here iv. I need more help
f. What is Ms. Asma Haque?
i. a housewife ii. a cook iii. a teacher iv. a student
g. Why did Ms. Asma Haque ask the students, ‘Do you want to see what I have in the box?’
i. to threat them ii. to irritate them 
iii. to instruct them iv. to humiliate them
h. How does curiosity help the students?
i. It makes ways to knowledge 
ii. It makes them tired 
iii. It makes them bored 
iv. It helps them think negatively
i. Make a request sentence using the following words. the/please/ropes/cut/ scissors/with/the
i. The ropes cuts the scissors with please 
ii. Please cut the ropes with the scissors.
iii. Please scissors the ropes with cut 
iv. Scissors please the ropes with the cut.
j. Make a command using the following words. up/stand/students
i. Stand up, students ii. Up stand students 
iii. Students up stand iv. Stand students up.
Answer to the question no. 5
a. iv. a box; 
b. iii. the box; 
c. iii. some cooking instruments; 
d. iv. both i. and iii.; 
e. iii. Please, come here; 
f. iii. a teacher; 
g. iii. to instruct them; 
h. i. It makes ways to knowledge; 
i. ii. Please cut the ropes with the scissors; 
j. i. Stand up, students.
শিক্ষকবীরশ্রেষ্ঠ মুন্সী আব্দুর রউফ পাবলিক কলেজঢাকা

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